Discipline and Safety are critical

Club Rules

Welcome to our club. We have put together some simple rules and a code of conduct. These are to keep things organised, safe and most importantly, enjoyable. They may of course change from time to time, but we will let you know.

We are a friendly bunch so at any time that you feel uncomfortable, are unsure or needing guidance, come and speak to us. For the same reason, if we are not happy with you, we will have a chat.


1.     Your contract is month to month.

2.     Either party can end the contract on one month’s notice.

3.     Fees are payable in advance and must be paid by no later than the third day of the month.

4.     We must pay our bills every month and our fees are calculated on a 12-month year. There is no payment holiday or putting on hold during periods of holiday or because you are away, or similar absence.

5.     You can defer or obtain a payment holiday in certain circumstances. Speak to us and in appropriate circumstances we will accommodate you.

6.     If you have a problem, come and talk to us. We understand things can go awry. Just let us know, we will help where we can.


1.     The club, its owners, employees, principles, and agents do not accept liability for any harm, loss, damage, injury, or death, that you may suffer.

2.     Every member is responsible for exercising due care at all times. This includes themselves, for others and the club.


1.     Safety is our number one concern. If you have any concerns over your safety or the safety of any other person in the class, you should alert your instructor immediately.

2.     Never attempt to do any exercise, technique, or movement that you are not confident and comfortable completing. It is okay to sit out a technique if you do not have the skill level yet or there is a physical challenge.

3.     You should only train at your own pace and if you find the class is moving too fast, or feeling strain, let the instructor know (but do not quit too easy ☺.)

4.     Remove all jewellery. You could injure yourself, your teammates, or otherwise damage the jewellery.

5.     Everyone is family so be careful – we need each other to train, so do not break your toys, you need them tomorrow.


1.     If you have any injury or a medical condition you should let the instructor know ahead of the class. They will determine if you are fit to train. If you are declared fit and do train, remember to let your training partners know of any injuries.

1.     If you develop any injuries during a class, you should let the instructor know, so that they can act appropriately.


2.     Use designated areas for changing and leaving clothes.

3.     Help keep things tidy.

4.     All personal belongings should be kept out of the training area.

5.     Every student is responsible for his/her own valuables.


1.     We do not teach these skills for you to abuse. Do not give martial arts, your instructors, or our club a bad name.

2.     We love the idea of spreading the word how wonderful our sport is but be careful of demonstrating to or on others.


1.     Be aware of your appearance. You should be clean and neat. Long hair must be tied back. Keep fingernails and toenails clipped (scratching Is not a technique ☺). Hands and feet always clean

2.     Open wounds, broken skin, sores and similar must be covered.

3.     You must wash your Gi, rashies and all that stuff after every session. This will keep you and your teammates healthy. Plus, no one wants to train with the GUNK MASTER.


1.     Do not come to the gym with skin diseases: ringworm, yeast/Candida, Staph infection, athlete’s foot, shingles, etc. This is an occasion when sharing is not caring.

2.     The same applies if you have a cold, the flu, strep throat. Stay home until you are better.

3.     If you are not sure, stay at home. Training when ill could be harmful to you and to others.


1.     It is your responsibility to ensure you turn up to class fit and ready to take part, with a suitable amount of time prior to the lesson’s scheduled start time.

2.     Listen to all instructors and coaches.

3.     Practitioners should maintain a professional attitude. Demonstrations of affection or overly friendly conduct should be avoided.

4.     The rule is that if you are a white belt, you move when you bump into (or get close to) coloured belts on the mats. Also, NO MATTER your belt colour, you move when you bump into (or get close to) a higher-ranking teammate or your instructor.  If either member of the pair you bump into is a higher rank, then you move. Respect the hierarchy. Later, others will move for you. ☺



1.     Sparring and rolling is part of your training. The aim is to practice and improve, not to beat or hurt each other.

2.     Do not be a bully.

3.     The junior partner sets the pace.

4.     You may not spar/roll without supervision unless you have been given permission (in other word your level is sufficient)

5.     There is nothing to prove – only opportunities to learn and be a teammate. MMA and Jiu Jitsu are as much team sports as any other.

6.     Be gracious in victory and defeat – Do not talk about submitting/finishing someone and do not make excuses when beaten.

Once again welcome, enjoy the journey – you just changed your life.


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